Curtin Malaysia hosts visit by representatives of state and federal agencies
Posted date:Miri –13 March 2024 – Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) recently hosted a courtesy visit by a delegation of representatives of Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS); Ministry of Education, Innovation and Talent Development, Sarawak (MEITD); Immigration and Labour Management Unit Sarawak (ILMU); Immigration Department, Putrajaya; and Immigration Department Sarawak.
On hand to receive them were Curtin Malaysia’s Pro Vice-Chancellor, President and Chief Executive Professor Simon Leunig, Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Vincent Lee, Dean of Faculty of Business Professor Pauline Ho, Director of Future Students and External Engagement Debora Caroline, Manager of International Student Office Cherina Chiew; and Manager of Student Recruitment and Student Support Samson Philip.
Upon their arrival at the campus, the delegation was taken on a tour of Curtin University’s Global Admissions Office, which is based in Miri. The Global Admissions Office, which also has a team at Curtin’s main campus in Perth, manages international applications to Curtin University as part of its transformation to become a global university, offering a unique student experience enabled by its network of campuses, alliances and partnerships across the world.
Brenda Lee, Curtin’s Deputy Director of Global Operations who heads the Global Admissions Office but happened to be at the main campus on business, conducted an online briefing on the international student admissions process for the delegation from their office in Perth.
This was followed by an hour-long meeting between the delegation and the Curtin Malaysia representatives, where Debora gave an overview of Curtin Malaysia and briefed the delegation on the latest developments at the campus, as well as its recent achievements in academia, research and partnerships.
Professor Leunig, in his welcoming speech to the delegation, expressed hopes that the relevant agencies would give their full support to ensure a seamless journey for international students from a multitude of countries to Curtin Malaysia. He said international applications to Curtin Malaysia have risen significantly since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic with many keen to pursue pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate courses in engineering and science, IT, business, media and health sciences.
After the meeting, the delegation was taken on tour of the campus tour to view its teaching and learning and student support facilities.
For additional information about Curtin Malaysia, visit or search for Curtin Malaysia on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, or TikTok.

Prof Leunig (far right) and the delegation watching Brenda Lee giving her briefing online

Debora Caroline giving her briefing on Curtin Malaysia

Prof Leunig presenting a souvenir to Mohd Farha Md Ishak, Acting Associate Director of EMGS