Curtin Sarawak Organises 3R Campaign
Posted date:MIRI, 28 June 2006 – In line with its community relations programme to foster and further enhance the current existing cordial relationship with the community, Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak Malaysia (Curtin Sarawak) held a 3R campaign to create awareness on the benefit of recycling within the campus and also the surrounding residential area.
Lau Shiew Wai, lecturer, said ” The 3R campaign is not new in Curtin Sarawak as previously we have had in place recycling bins in strategic places in the campus. The campaign prove to be successful and popular in the campus where additional bins have to be set up to accommodate the increase in demand and interest among the staff and students.
During the five-day campaign from 19th June – 23rd June, 2006, staff and students were encouraged to bring along their own recyclables to the campus and is opened to the surrounding residential areas where the students would collect the items from the residents.”
The ongoing 3R campaign certainly proves to be a tremendous success especially with the continuous full support and participation from Curtin Sarawak community.
Curtin Sarawak was established in February 1999 in partnership with the Sarawak Government, it is the first offshore campus of the Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia and also the first foreign university campus to be set up in East Malaysia. In November 1999, Curtin Sarawak was awarded the Multimedia Super Corridor status. In December 2004, Curtin Sarawak was awarded the prestigious IRPA grant (Intensification of Research in Priority Areas) from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.
Curtin Sarawak’s next intake will be in July 2006, and recruitment sessions are currently ongoing throughout the region. Application for admission form for Curtin Sarawak programs can be downloaded at
With students drawn from various countries, Curtin Sarawak offers an affordable education and a unique international and cross-cultural learning experience. The ultimate reward is the attainment of a prestigious internationally acclaimed Curtin degree.

Picture 1: Students gathering newspapers for recycling