Say No to Vector Borne Diseases
Posted date:Saturday, 1 December 2007 – A seminar on Vector-Borne Diseases and Its Vector is held at the Harry Perkins Lecture Theatre, Curtin University of Technology Sarawak (Curtin Sarawak) today from 8am to 5pm.
The seminar was initiated by the Miri Divisional Health Office, Miri City Council and Curtin Sarawak.
“Vector-borne diseases like Dengue Fever and Japanese Encephalitis (JE) is endemic throughout the South-East Asian countries for many years,” said Yang Berhormat Andy Chia during his official speech.
“This year, Singapore is experiencing an alarming epidemic of dengue fever with total reported cases of almost 4,000 for the first-half period of the year and this trend is a major concern throughout the states in West Malaysia,” he added further.
“I would believe that throughout the day you will consider many of the matters of concern surrounding vector-borne diseases. This is a global health problem as we concern ourselves with issues such as insecticide and drug resistance, genetic changes in pathogens and now the pressing global concern of climate change,” said Dr. Joan Gribble, Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor of Curtin Sarawak during her Welcome speech.
“We do need to concern ourselves with environmentally safe insecticides, alternative approaches to vector control and education and training programs for health care and public health workers and the community,” she added further.
Although the situation in Sarawak is still under control except for Bintulu, Sibu, Sarikei and the Kuching Division, it is still important that the community will work together to combat this deadly disease.
The seminar aims to create more awareness of vector borne diseases amongst the public and encourage the community to participate in their community programme to eradicate occurrence of these diseases in Miri and the country as a whole.
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Dr. Joan Gribble delivering her Welcome note during the official launch of the Vector Borne Diseases Seminar.

L to R: Dr. Philip Raja, Chairman of Seminar presenting souvenir to Guest of Honour, YB Andy Chia, ADUN N.64 Pujut