Three teams of researchers from Curtin Malaysia secure prestigious research grants
Posted date:Miri – 4 September 2023 – Three research teams from Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) have successfully secured prestigious grants for their fundamental research projects. They include two grants under the Ministry of Higher Education’s Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) and another under the Selangor State Research Fund (Geran Penyelidikan Negeri Selangor) or GPNS.
The Ministry of Higher Education Fundamental Research Grants are a significant achievement for the researchers, as it signifies recognition and support from the government in their pursuit of scientific advancements and cutting-edge fundamental research.
A team led by researcher and lecturer in applied sciences, Dr. Lee Yih Nin, is carrying out an ongoing research project titled ‘Growth Performance, Haemato-immunological Assessment and Resistance of Transport Stress of Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Fed with Fishbone Meal Supplemented with Garlic’ under a RM165,000 FRGS grant, which will provide essential funding of for equipment, fieldwork, and data analysis.
Dr. Lee’s team also comprises co-investigators Professor Rossita Shapawi of Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Associate Professor Chua Han Bing and Dr. Christine Yeo Wan Sieng of Curtin Malaysia, Dr. Sharifah Raina Binti Manaf of Universiti Teknologi MARA, and Rosli @Kosat Bin Ja’ie of Rosfaniaga Services Sdn. Bhd.
Another team led by researcher and civil and construction engineering lecturer Dr. Muhammad Noor Hazwan Bin Jusoh has secured a RM97,000 FRGS grant for their research titled ‘Enzymatic Metabolism of Pharmaceutical Persistent Pollutants in a Wastewater Treatment System’.
This team includes co-investigators Associate Professor Tony Hadibarata, Dr. Tan Inn Shi and Dr. Paran Anak Gani of Curtin Malaysia, Dr. Mohamed Zuhaili Bin Mohamed Najib of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and Zulkifili Bin Said of Teras Berkat (M) Sdn. Bhd.
The Geran Penyelidikan Negeri Selangor, meanwhile, provides further validation of the groundbreaking work being carried out by Curtin Malaysia’s research teams. The fund aims to support research initiatives that contribute to the development and growth of Selangor, making it a highly competitive and sought-after grant.
Securing a GPNS grant amounting to RM97,000 is a team led by researcher and associate professor in civil and construction engineering Associate Professor John Lau Sie Yon whose research project is titled ‘Encapsulated Microalgae Biopolymer Beads as a Sustainable Way of Treating High Nitrate Aquaculture Wastewater in Selangor’.
Associate Professor Lau’s co-investigators for the project are Associate Professor Steven Lim of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Dr. Paran Anak Gani of Curtin Malaysia, and Dr. Tan Toh Hii of Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Curtin Malaysia’s Pro Vice-Chancellor, President and Chief Executive Professor Simon Leunig said the successful projects submitted by the Curtin Malaysia research teams demonstrated their dedication to making significant contributions to their respective fields of study. The projects emphasise interdisciplinary collaboration, innovation, and practical applications in addressing critical societal and environmental challenges.
“We are immensely proud of these researchers for their outstanding achievements in securing these prestigious grants,” he said. “This is a testament not only to their specific areas of research, but also the overall research strengths and capabilities here at Curtin Malaysia, and the impact of our work in advancing knowledge and solving real-world problems.”
Professor Leunig said that research grants enable researchers to expand their research programmes, collaborate with international experts, and disseminate their findings through conferences and publications. The funding secured also facilitates the recruitment and development of talented researchers, creating additional opportunities for knowledge transfer and innovation.
Adding to Professor Leunig’s comments, Dean of Research and Development Professor Ramasamy Nagarajan said, “The success of these grants highlights the commitment of Curtin Malaysia and its researchers to excellence in research and their dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge. It also reinforces our reputation as a leading academic institution in ASEAN, attracting top talent from Malaysia and around the world,” he said
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Dr Lee Yih Nin, Dr Muhammad Noor Hazwan Bin Jusoh & Assoc Prof John Lau Sie Yon