Top two lecturers nominated for Curtin Excellence and Innovation in Teaching Awards
Posted date:MIRI, Monday, 26 March 2007 – Curtin University of Technology
Sarawak (Curtin Sarawak) once again prove to excel in its performance in teaching. Dr Djwantoro Hardjito, Senior Lecturer of Department of Civil & Construction Engineering and Ms Shamsul Kamariah Abdullah, Head of Department of Marketing & Management are both short listed for the Curtin Excellence and Innovation in Teaching (EIT) Awards which will be held in Curtin University of Technology Western Australia.
Dr Djwantoro Hardjito is nominated for the Awards for Teaching Excellence and Ms Shamsul Kamariah Abdullah is nominated for the Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning.
At this Awards Ceremony, the successful recipient will receive from the Vice Chancellor, Professor Jeanette Hacket an EIT Award certificate in recognition of their contribution to the quality of student learning and a prize of AUS$2000 to enhance the teaching and learning within their discipline will be transferred to their nominated cost-centre.
The EIT Awards is a yearly award aimed to provide recognition and reward for outstanding performance in teaching by individuals/teams and to promote and disseminate these contributions to exemplary teaching practice across Curtin.
The successful Curtin EIT Award recipients will also be considered for nomination to national Carrick Awards by the Curtin EIT Awards Committee.
“I am thrilled to see two of our lecturers nominated for the EIT Awards,” exclaimed Dr. Joan Gribble, Director of Teaching and Learning for Curtin Sarawak.
“I hope that this will motivate and inspire the other lecturers to be in the running for the next EIT Awards and to also find other innovative ways in the teaching and learning within their discipline,” she added further.

Ms. Shamsul

Dr. Djwantoro