Curtin Malaysia’s Faculty of Business focused on providing comprehensive, creative and inspiring business education
Posted date:As one of three faculties at Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia), the Curtin Malaysia Faculty of Business has 22 years’ experience in providing comprehensive, creative and inspiring business education.
The Faculty provides students the skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of today’s global economy, delivering a range of programmes across major business disciplines, and is focused on providing outstanding student opportunities and learning experiences.
Over 4,000 students have graduated from the Faculty of Business and found employment in commerce and industry throughout Malaysia and overseas over the years. Many have progressed to leadership positions in their organisations, and many have also ventured out on their own, establishing lucrative business enterprises.
The Faculty of Business’ exceptional graduate success is driven by its powerful business courses, excellent teaching facilities and industry connectivity. All the courses are focused on rigorous, relevant and engaging learning, encouraging students to become competent critical thinkers who are ready to thrive in the fast-paced modern world.
The Faculty offers an exciting range of up-to-date undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as a pre-university Foundation in Business programme that feeds directly into students’ preferred undergraduate programmes.
The undergraduate courses range from single majors in business administration, accounting and finance to double major combinations that include specialisations in banking, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, human resources management, public relations, and tourism and hospitality.
The innovative courses develop students’ capabilities both in and outside of the classroom to experience, understand and rise to the challenges of business in the global, 21st Century economy. Engaging in multidisciplinary education also helps them develop critical leadership and decision-making skills for the real world of complex, ambiguous and emergent environments. As a result, the Faculty of Business has a strong reputation and track record for producing agile graduates with a drive to succeed and the capabilities to solve real-world problems.
The courses are aligned to the Curtin Business School (CBS) at Curtin University’s main campus in Perth, Western Australia, and accredited by the prestigious Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), as well as key national and international professional bodies.
Over the years, the global business sector has transformed dramatically. Contemporary workplaces are now encapsulated by technology and traditional styles of working have largely gone digital. As a result, students are required to connect their skillsets with relevant concepts and strategies to give them agility in a changing workplace. With this in mind, the Faculty of Business provides opportunities for students to grow their confidence, expertise and global awareness.
It ensures that course content prepares them for changing workplaces and for jobs of the future. Each course is designed to instill an ambitious work ethic coupled with practical experience, helping them understand workplace practices and technology in the digital age.
By equipping students with essential digital tools and technological concepts, including a state-of-the-art Curtin Trading Room for realistic stock market simulations, the Faculty prepares them to take on complex challenges and apply their problem-solving skills to the digital workplace. Drawing on Curtin’s expertise across management, engineering, computing, technology, economics and education, this helps them capitalise on the opportunities presented by technological and social change, digital innovation and automation.
The Faculty prepares its students to succeed in a global business environment, developing a range of analytical and communication skills while maintaining a high standard of ethical business practice.
Once they graduate, they will be looking to securing sustainable careers. Binding their professional portfolios with interests in today’s technological advancements and 21st Century trends will make their skills more relevant and attractive to employers.
The Faculty of Business offers a Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Commerce programme with single majors in Accounting and Finance and 11 double major combinations encompassing Accounting, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Banking, Marketing, Management, Human Resource Management, Public Relations, Tourism and Hospitality.
Postgraduate offerings include coursework Master of Commerce in Marketing and Master of International Business degrees and higher degree by research (HDR) programmes in Accounting, Economics, Finance and Management.

Curtin Malaysia’s Faculty of Business prepares students to succeed in a global business environment.