Postgraduate research colloquium discusses research, education and student experience
Posted date:Miri – 7 December 2021 – Over 80 participants attended the recent Postgraduate Research Colloquium jointly organised by the Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) Postgraduate Research Association (CMPRA) and Curtin Malaysia Graduate School.
Themed ‘Research Ever Forward’, the colloquium was aimed at providing the participating higher degree by research (HDR) students a platform to exchange knowledge, develop soft skills and network.
The two-day colloquium featured sharing sessions by guest speakers Professor Min Teah of Curtin University, Dr. Liew Rock Keey of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Dr. Caleb Acquah of University of Ottawa, Associate Professor Jaka Sunarso of Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus and Dr. Ronald Halim of University College Dublin. There were also parallel sessions where the HDR students showcased and presented their research work.
In her welcoming speech during the opening ceremony, CMPRA Vice-President Ancy Sara Philip commented that the past two pandemic-stricken years have been challenging for HDR students as they had limited opportunities to meet their peers, exchange ideas and receive constructive comments and feedback from their fellow students.
She said that the colloquium has helped set in motion the revitalisation of Curtin Malaysia’s rich and dynamic HDR research community post-COVID19, and encouraged all postgraduate students to actively participate and contribute to upcoming CMPRA-organised activities.
Meanwhile, Director of the Curtin Malaysia Graduate School, Associate Professor Agus Saptoro, congratulated the CMPRA for making the colloquium possible. He remarked that the colloquium was an excellent opportunity for students and academics to share approaches to promoting and enhancing research, education and the student experience, which are increasingly central to the improved performance of universities.
Associate Professor Agus also said that this year’s colloquium will be the foundation for a larger Curtin Global Campus HDR Student Colloquium involving all Curtin campuses to be held next year.
Before officially opening the colloquium, Pro Vice-Chancellor, President & Chief Executive Professor Simon Leunig commended the CMPRA and Curtin Malaysia Graduate School for taking the initiative to organise the colloquium. He said it was very much aligned with Curtin Malaysia’s research-led recovery plan, which has shown very positive results over the past two years and sets a very positive outlook for the campus’ post-COVID future.
According to Professor Leunig, Curtin Malaysia has seen very positive growth in its research activities and its HDR student population, which is now nearly double the number in early 2020.
“HDR programmes are an integral part of research capacity and capability development, and any advancement in our HDR programmes contribute greatly to the university’s overall research performance, as well as its vision of being an international leader in research and education,” said Professor Leunig.
The event ended with award ceremonies for the best presenters, best abstract papers and overall winners, and closing remarks by Dean of Research and Development, Professor Nagarajan Ramasamy.

Participants over the 2-day Curtin Malaysia Postgraduate Research Colloquium 2021.