Curtin Sarawak academics and staff hone qualitative research skills at workshop

Miri – 8 July, 2009 – The School of Business at Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak Malaysia (Curtin Sarawak) held a 2-day Qualitative Research Methodology Workshop which was attended by some 50 academics and professional staff of the University recently.

The objectives of the workshop were to build research capabilities and enhance research quality among staff of the School of Business and encourage inter-disciplinary research studies in all business areas. It was also aimed at establishing strategic research networks between Curtin Sarawak’s School of Business and the Curtin Graduate School of Business at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia.

A range of topics were deliberated during the workshop, such as the quantitative and qualitative paradigm; different methods of supporting qualitative research; data collection, management and analysis; research methodology and design, as well as rigor in qualitative research. It also covered how they can be embedded and linked to research studies.

The workshop was facilitated by Des Klass, an associate professor at the Curtin Graduate School of Business.

Dr. Klass’ accomplishments include establishing the Strategic Planning and Decisions Unit and the Stratcom Facility at the school, which focus on developing specialised processes and software for supporting business needs in strategic planning activities, resource allocation and decision making. He says it is his vision is to make a positive and lasting difference to the organisations with whom he is involved and to see organisations adding value to their activities by leveraging the extremely useful decision support technologies and decision processes that are now accessible.

Dr. Klass, who has done extensive research using both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, has also had extensive industry experience as a general manager of an electronic company. For many years, he consulted through the strategic planning and decision unit on corporate strategy formulation and planning.

He also has an impressive record of publications including books, journals and conference presentations and working papers on subjects such as decision assurance methodology, sustainability in business education, arbitrage possibilities in conflict situations, the logic of the command methodology, executive team effectiveness and organisational performance, and team decision frameworks for quality decision outcomes. His research interests include corporate strategy, research allocation and enhancing decision quality.

Curtin Sarawak’s Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr. John Evans in his opening speech urged all the participants to tap into Dr Klass’ vast knowledge and experience during the workshop, and hopefully the knowledge gathered would help them enhance the level and standard of research in their respective fields.

Dr. Klass, meanwhile, expressed hopes that some of the participants, through their participation in the workshop, would pursue doctorate studies and start publishing their research in referred journal publications.

Dr. Des Klass facilitating the workshop.



The workshop participants pose for a group photo.