Curtin Sarawak management team visits Sarawak Shell
Posted date:Miri – 20 April, 2009 – A delegation from Curtin Sarawak comprising senior management, department heads and deans of schools recently made a study visit to Sarawak Shell Berhad to foster closer ties and have a better understanding of the oil and gas industry.
On hand to receive them at Sarawak Shell’s office in Lutong were Alaister Maiyor, Health, Safety, Security & Environment Manager – Corporate Delivery, and other senior Shell executives.
In a briefing for the visitors, Alaister touched on the historical background of Shell in Malaysia, the company’s operations in the country and overseas, as well as its best practices in managing crises and emergencies.
According to Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Joan Gribble who led the Curtin Sarawak group, the university is enhancing its crisis management and business continuity plans to meet new challenges posed by an ever-growing student population and rapidly expanding campus, and is particularly keen to learn from Sarawak Shell Berhad’s experiences and practices.
Impressed by Shell’s preparedness in crisis management and business continuity, she said, “Shell is obviously very experienced in such matters and there is much we can learn from them. Though we are from two very diverse industries, there is much common ground and a lot of what Shell practises can be adapted to suit our needs.”
Anthony Wong, Sarawak Shell’s Coordinator for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Processes, was also on hand to brief the visitors on how Shell ensures business continuity and recovery.
The group later toured Sarawak Shell’s Emergency Control Centre.

Alaister Maiyor and Professor Joan Gribble (2nd and 5th left, front row) with managers and executives of Curtin Sarawak and Sarawak Shell Berhad.