PAWS Miri volunteer talks about operating a NPO to Curtin Sarawak students

Miri – 4 October 2013 – 50 students of the School of Business of Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia (Curtin Sarawak) recently had the opportunity to learn about operating a Non-profit Organisation (NPO) from guest speaker and Piasau Animal Welfare Support (PAWS) Miri volunteer Jessica Jamanca.

Jessica’s talk, which gave the students an in-depth understanding of PAWS’ operational aspects as a NPO, was part of the students’ Marketing Professional Practice 300 unit comprehensive component to help them carry out their individual and group assignments.

Also present at the talk were the head of the Marketing and Management Department of the school, Associate Professor Dr. Alan G. Downe, and marketing lecturer Dr. Joseph Sia Kee Ming.

During the talk, Jessica briefed the students on the importance of educating the Miri community on proper pet care which involves, among others, spaying and neutering. She said that PAWS’ goals are to decrease the number of stray animals in the city through adoption as well as educating people on how to treat animals and expectations in respect to their behaviour and health issues.

She added that people should be aware that animals are not supposed to be caged.

According to Dr. Sia, the students greatly benefitted from the talk as they gained insightful knowledge on running a NPO.

Currently, PAWS Miri has 25 volunteers who help out with its operations. Members of the local community are encouraged to volunteer at the organisation, donate funds or sponsor goods to ensure continuous care of the stray animals.


The students who attended the talk (Jessica and Dr Sia are in the background).