Engineering and the sciences are engines for growth and progression in today’s world. They are critical to the development of our global economy as they ...
A higher degree by research (HDR) from Curtin University will enable you to pursue a specialist area in your field, build knowledge in your profession ...
As one of three academic faculties at Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia), Curtin University’s largest international campus and global hub in Asia, the Curtin Malaysia ...
In a highly globalised and competitive market, engineering concerns all over the world are hard-pressed to find engineers armed with both technical expertise and business ...
Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) is a globally-focused, locally-engaged institution established 21 years ago to advance knowledge acquisition, socio-economic development and human capital in the ...
Miri – 16 April 2020 – With the Movement Control Order (MCO) entering its third phase and little likelihood of face-to-face university marketing events being ...