Curtin Sarawak students participate in IEM-YES National Summit
Posted date:Miri – 24 August 2016 – Six engineering students from Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia (Curtin Sarawak) represented The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) Student Section and Young Engineers Section (YES) Miri Branch at the recent IEM-YES National Summit (NATSUM) 2016 held in Kuching.
The students, Elisa Pui Sin Ying, Chong Min Yee, Yii Ni Shun, Callum Tan Dai Min, Genevieve Ann Tang Tuang Kah and Tu Pek Fong, were accompanied by YES Miri Branch Chairperson Adeline Wong Set Fung and Vice-Chairperson Sheron Lim Gek Joo.
This year’s NATSUM was attended by 105 delegates from 8 YES branches nationwide. It is an annual event that aims to gather the committee members of regional YES branches and student chapters and provide a platform for knowledge and experience sharing among young engineers, graduates and students.
During the event, the delegates participated in group discussions and team-building activities at the Permai Rainforest Resort, as well as a technical visit to the Sejingkat Coal-Fired Power Station.
According to Wong, the delegates took the opportunity to deliberate on a range of engineering-related issues and aim to work collectively towards sustainability in engineering in the near future.
“I am glad more members of the Curtin Sarawak IEM Student Section were able to participate in this year’s summit and we’re definitely looking forward to host NATSUM in Miri next year,” added Wong.
Lim said the delegates were able to establish meaningful ties among themselves throughout the three-day event while final-year petroleum engineering student Pui commented that it was great seeing students and young engineers exchanging knowledge and ideas with each other.
Current Vice-President of the Curtin Sarawak IEM Student Section Chong said the discussion sessions enabled delegates to identify and tackle common issues faced by the various student sections. Immediate Past President Yii, meanwhile, opined that the technical visit was a good opportunity for them to enhance their knowledge of process plant technology.
Tan, who attended the summit for the first time, commented that the team-building activities helped the delegates learn to work effectively in teams to overcome obstacles and communicate effectively to achieve a common goal.
Tang said she was impressed by the event and was inspired by the leadership qualities of the organising committee, while Tu said she was grateful for their gracious hospitality and thoroughly enjoyed the summit as a result.

Wong (3rd right) and Lim (2nd right) in a group photo with Curtin Sarawak delegates.

Delegates at Sejingkat Coal-Fired Power Station.