Curtin Sarawak volunteers bring cheer to SK Nanga Medamit in Limbang Division
Posted date:Miri – 18 August 2016 – 24 volunteers from Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia (Curtin Sarawak) recently visited the school community at SK Nanga Medamit in Limbang Division to carry out their ‘Reaching Out’ community engagement programme.
The programme followed on the success of a similar programme at SK Kuala Medalam in the remote settlement of Kuala Medalam, also in Limbang Division, last year.
The ‘Reaching Out’ programme is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of the university’s Office of Student Affairs (OSA). It engages with rural school communities in Northern Sarawak by providing free health checks and conducting educational and awareness programmes. Volunteers consist of staff from various areas of the university, including health officers and counsellors attached to the OSA.
About a 45-minute drive from Limbang town, SK Nanga Medamit is accessible by road or by crossing the Medamit River using small boats. It has some 30 staff and over 200 kindergarten and primary school students.
The volunteers were given a rousing welcome on arrival by principal Sampai Saka, Parent Teacher Association (PTA) representative Bujie Jampang, school staff, students and their parents.
In addition to carrying out health checks, which included body mass index (BMI), blood glucose and blood pressure tests, the volunteers provided consultation for the parents and conducted educational activities for the students.
In return, they were entertained with cultural dance and choir performances and treated to breakfast and lunch by the school community.
Dean of the OSA, Dr. Adeline Wong, said the ‘Reaching Out’ programme is carried out in three or more phases at each community.
Phase 1 usually involves initial engagement through health screening and children’s programmes, followed by educational programmes run by university academics for parents and teachers and fund-raising to help the community build essential facilities in Phase 2. As the programme evolves, activities in Phase 3 onwards will be based on community needs identified in the earlier phases.
“Our goal is to inspire children at remote schools and communities to have dreams and aspirations for the future through education. The programme also helps create an awareness among the parents of the importance of education for their children,” Dr. Wong added.
In his welcoming speech, Sampai expressed his gratitude to the Curtin volunteers, adding that it was a great honour and privilege for the school to be part of their ‘Reaching Out’ programme. He said the school welcomes such visits aimed at promoting education and knowledge sharing and looked forward to the team’s next visit in the near future.
Meanwhile, Sunardi Jamil, coordinator of the school’s Cultural Club, said the staff and students of school had spent a significant amount of time preparing for their visit, including practising new dance routines and songs for their performances and, gathering fresh jungle produce for meals and decorating the school.
According to Dr. Wong, a second visit to SK Kuala Medalam is planned for this October, this time involving academics from the University’s Faculty of Business and Faculty of Engineering and Science who will run training programmes for teachers and parents.

Health Officer Paul Lawai providing health consultation to a parent.

Dr Wong (right) receiving a memento from Sampai as Bujie looks on.

SK Nanga Medamit students proudly showing off their artwork.

Curtin Sarawak volunteers circle a ‘Pokok Ranyai’ as part of welcoming ceremony.

Volunteers, school teachers and parents pose for group photo.