Curtin Malaysia invites public to join night run in aid of POKUFM
Posted date:Miri – 28 August 2017 – Members of the public are invited to participate in the ‘9-16 Electro Run’, a charity night run being organised by Curtin University, Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) in collaboration with the Miri Marathon Association in conjunction with Malaysia Day. Proceeds from the run will go to the Persatuan Orang Kurang Upaya Fizikal Miri (POKUFM).
The Persatuan Orang Kurang Upaya Fizikal Miri (POKUFM) is an association established by a group of physically disabled people with the mission of enabling those with disabilities to achieve full participation in the society through independent living.
The run will be for a distance of 5 kilometres and will take place at Marina Parkcity from 5.00 pm on 16 September 2017. Over 500 runners of all ages are expected to take part.
“This event is the first charity run organised by Curtin Malaysia staff members and will be an annual event of the university to engage with the community and charity organisations. I encourage members of the public to join staff and students of our university in a show of support for POKUFM,” said Curtin Malaysia Pro-Vice Chancellor, President and Chief Executive Professor Jim Mienczakowski, who will be participating in the run.
In addition to the Miri Marathon Association, the Miri City Council, Brewhouse, Mad Wave, Dance Fusion Studio and Chapter One Café are also supporting the run.
The registration fee is RM60, which includes an event T-shirt, finisher’s medal and goodie bag. The deadline for registration is on 8 September 2017.
For those who wish to participate, registration and payment of registration fee can be made at Curtin Malaysia’s campus, the Miri Marathon Association’s office at Bulatan Park, Brewhouse at 101 Commercial Centre and at Sin Siang Hai in Krokop, Mad Wave at Permaisuri Imperial City Mall, Chapter One Café at Marina ParkCity; and Dance Fusion Studio in Taman Yakin.
Registration forms can also be downloaded from the Facebook pages of Curtin Malaysia and Miri Marathon Association.
For more information, contact Felecia Ngalih at 016-860 1427, Sylvester Kaya at 019-846 0466 or Yeo Hui Teck at 017-895 6966.

Join the 9-16 Electro Run, a charity night run in aid of Persatuan Orang Kurang Upaya Fizikal Miri.