Curtin Malaysia students learn about careers in technology, broadcasting and telecommunications industries
Posted date:Miri – 11 July 2017 – 15 student members of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student Branch of Curtin University, Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) had the opportunity to visit three of the country’s biggest corporations to gain insights into career opportunities in various industries recently.
Accompanied by electrical and computer engineering lecturer and the student chapter’s industrial and external relations advisor, Dr. Garenth Lim, they visited Siemens Malaysia, Astro Malaysia Holdings and MEASAT Satellite Systems.
At Siemens Malaysia, they were welcomed by Talent Acquisition Professional Elma Tambuwun who briefed them on the operations and achievements of the company. This was followed by a session with sales engineer Justina Yoo Shwu Jing who shared her experiences as a Siemens employee.
Meanwhile, at Astro Malaysia, they met with Assistant Vice-President, Youth Outreach Sharifah Heizzee Wafa and her team. In addition to touring Astro’s studio, broadcasting towers and radio station, the group was briefed on the broadcasting company’s graduate programmes that offer tertiary students opportunities to experience working in the industry.
The students also learned more about the telecommunications industry in Malaysia through their visit to MEASAT Satellite Systems. Principal Engineer of Satellite Engineering Mohd Muzaini Mohammud was on hand to welcome them and took them on a tour of the company’s satellite and broadcasting facilities.
Dr. Lim commented that such industrial visits help to widen students’ perspectives of industry, particularly job opportunities that await them when they graduate. He said industry players such as Siemens, Astro Malaysia and MEASAT Satellite Systems are always looking for electrical and electronic engineering graduates and students of Curtin Malaysia should be aware of such opportunities.
Third-year electronic and communication engineering student and the student branch’s treasurer, Ng Kayli said she enjoyed the visit to Siemens Malaysia the most as she got to learn more about automation.
For second-year electrical power engineering student and student branch vice-treasurer Han Kit Siew, the visit to Astro Malaysia was most interesting as he got to know more about how the company’s control room, sound stages and studios are operated.
Siemens is a global powerhouse involved in power generation, transmission and distribution; smart grid solutions and the efficient application of electrical energy, as well as in the areas of medical imaging and in-vitro diagnostics.
Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad is a leading content and consumer group in Malaysia and Southeast Asia with a focus on the pillars of watch, listen, read and shop.
MEASAT Satellite Systems provides premium satellite solutions to customers in over 150 countries across Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Australia.

The students at Siemens Malaysia.

Staff of Astro Malaysia conducting briefing the students.

The students pose for group photo at MEASAT Satellite Systems.