Giving effective feedback crucial to student learning
Posted date:Miri – 17 November 2017 – Curtin University, Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) held a ‘Giving Students Feedback’ learning and teaching workshop for its academic staff recently.
Conducted by Dean of Learning and Teaching, Professor Dr. Tang Siew Fun, it was held in one of the campus’ collaborative classrooms which are specially designed for effective group learning. It was attended by 76 lecturers from all of its faculties, who gained hands-on skills in an interactive and fun atmosphere.
According to Professor Tang, the workshop was aimed at honing the professional skills of the lecturers in giving effective feedback to their students.
She said lecturers have a responsibility to nurture students’ learning and provide them effective feedback to help them improve their performance and achievement. She added that the feedback must be Specific, Timely, Actionable and Respectful (STAR).
“In this way, they will develop an awareness of their learning, be able to recognise mistakes more easily, and eventually develop strategies for tackling weak points themselves,” commented Professor Tang.
Professor Tang, who recently joined Curtin Malaysia as head of its Office of Learning and Teaching from another leading private university, has extensive experience in strategic leadership and management and in driving innovative and pioneering learning and teaching initiatives.
She aims to organise more quality and engaging workshops in a continuous effort to help academic staff become excellent and passionate teachers geared to transforming learning and teaching at Curtin Malaysia and developing students more holistically.

Some of the academics attending the workshop.

Professor Tang conducting the workshop.

Participants in group discussion.

Professor Tang facilitating a group discussion.