Curtin gives Rumah Kenyalang a Burst of KCC Colours
Posted date:Students and staff volunteers from Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak Campus got together over the weekend and gave the Mental Health Association (MHA) group home a new lease of life.
Miri Paint Shop sponsored a range of attractive KCC paints and shared painting tips while volunteers took on the challenge of giving the place a fresh new look. Over the two days, students and staff volunteers work tirelessly to see the paint job completed. The initiative was undertaken by Sarawak Campus through the Department of University Life and the not-for-profit student organization, Curtin Volunteers!
Dr. Adeline Wong, the chairperson of MHA, was deeply touched by the gesture. She had the following to say about the spirit of volunteerism. “Volunteers tend to be giving, outgoing, busy, active, proactive, and loving. They are people oriented and tend to start voluntary work when young. The spirit of giving tends to run in the family.”
Curtin University is highly committed to instilling strong community values in its students and staff and will continue to engage with the community in meaningful activities. The community can contact the Sarawak Campus for voluntary assistance through

Curtin staff and students volunteers with KCC representatives.