Curtin Outreach Program reaches out to the community
Posted date:Wednesday 30 July 2008 –
Curtin Sarawak Outreach Program initiates the Rural Library Project intended to provide rural schools libraries with sufficient educational books to promote learning. It is also to promote reading culture amongst students from rural schools as well as instilling reading culture as means for gaining educational information.
Belle’s and KK bookstore has agreed to donate books for the project. The books are range from dictionaries, reference books, as well as fiction and non fiction books.
According to Director of Pre-University School, Pn. Bibi Aminah, “I am truly overwhelmed with this project. It gives similar opportunity for rural students to access information. Curtin Outreach Committee has put in enormous effort to assist rural students to be exposed of the importance of education. It will definitely be a positive starting point for them to overcome the disadvantage of lack of information and resources.”
Outreach committee is a non-profit committee which comprises of a team of dedicated volunteers from the academia with one major aim to reach out and contribute to the society by establishing contact with the public via specific outreach activities.
Rural Library Project is just part of the many activities Outreach has planned for 2008. It is also the first large scale project by the committee this year. Since July 2008, the University has recognized the efforts done by the team; hence include representatives from School of Business and Engineering to support the commitment in returning back to the society as part of social responsibility.
For further information of Outreach Rural Library Project, please do not hesitate to contact committee members;
Ms. Anita Jimmie at 085-443008
Kamaroizan Mohamad at 085-443954

Belle’s representative, Sophia Soo with Bibi Aminah and Outreach Committee, Kamaroizan.