Curtin Students exposed to Longhouse Living

Student of Curtin University got to experience life in a longhouse when they were adopted by eight longhouses via John Curtin Weekend 2008 programme.

The three-day longhouse stay was organised by Curtin volunteers and University Life, with150 participants divided into eight groups.

Each of the groups stayed in a longhouse.

The longhouses involved were Randi longhouse in Kampung Tunku Abdul Rahman, Lambir and seven longhouses in Miri district.

The group in Lambir, comprising 18 students, learned about Iban culture: traditional Iban musical instruments, the ngajat (dance), Iban cooking and craftmaking.

They also assisted the families of Randi longhouse in a gotong-royong farming activity at the river.

“The group gained exposure and knowledge from their longhouse stay”, longhouse chief Randi Elon told The Borneo Post yesterday.

Randi welcomes more NGOs and group to stay in his longhouse.

For more information of John Curtin Weekend, kindly visit or email