New Web Media stream added to Curtin’s Bachelor of Communications
Posted date:Miri – 3 February 2020 – Curtin University’s Bachelor of Communications offered at Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) has been further strengthened with the addition of a Web Media stream to the existing Corporate Screen Production, Journalism, Marketing and Public Relations streams.
This additional stream is ideal for students keen to pursue careers in the expanding field of web-based media and communications, from website creation to online community management. This includes careers as social media advisors; web designers, developers, writers or editors, and copywriters.
The stream emphasises social media and networking, and units combine practical components with core concepts to give students the necessary understanding and skills they need in the online environment.
Among the key learning outcomes will be the ability to explain critical theories relating to media-based communications in corporate applications and apply them to a range of roles and functions, apply critical thinking and creative approaches to resolve issues and meet challenges; and access, evaluate and synthesise appropriate information in order to realise media-based communication objectives.
Students will also learn to communicate ideas to a range of audiences by developing and applying media-based strategies, utilise media production technologies and apply them to create effective media-based materials to meet required outcomes, and apply learning strategies to build on skills and understandings in order to adapt to continually changing industry and corporate needs.
In addition, they will learn to recognise the significance of global media to business and be able to apply international standards and practices in their creative practice, value the cultural and intercultural nature of corporate media and communications and represent this knowledge at a personal and professional level, and demonstrate professional behaviour and standards and work collaboratively to apply them in all aspects of media and business-related activities.
Formerly known as the Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication, the Bachelor of Communications has become increasingly popular at Curtin Malaysia over the last two years with the inclusion of a Journalism stream, and with this new Web Media stream, it is expected to gain even greater popularity.
The broad-based degree gives students training for traditional media and communication roles, but also prepares them for emerging job roles that may not yet exist in these fields. It covers a range of subjects in media, design and business, giving them foundational knowledge in media and corporate communications, and the scope to specialise in two fields of their choice.
In their first year, they will be introduced to the different spokes of communications and study optional units that reflect or refine their learning in specific communication areas.
In their second and third years, they will choose two streams in which to specialise: one media stream and one design or business stream, or two media streams. For example, they can major in Corporate Screen Production and Journalism, Public Relations, Marketing or Web Media, or Journalism and Corporate Screen Production or Web Media.
So, essentially, they can tailor the degree to suit their interests. It is important to note that this course offers more specialisations than many other communications degrees, and students will acquire broad knowledge in communications, as well as specialised knowledge and skills in their two chosen streams. Furthermore, the course flexibility means they can usually change streams without adding extra time to their degree.
According to Murali Krishnan, Media and Communication Coordinator in Curtin Malaysia’s Department of Media and Communication, Faculty of Humanities, the course ensures students are industry ready by helping them develop skills and knowledge in traditional and emerging media and communication roles, as well as industry-ready skills such as using commercial level equipment to produce work for print, radio, television and online media. They will also build portfolios of work and have opportunities to meet industry professionals.
“Graduates of the course are very versatile, able to engage in a wide range of roles in a number of industries, including media, marketing, public relations, advertising, film and television, and radio broadcasting,” said Murali.
He added that the Department of Media and Communication is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to support learning, including industry-standard video and digital recording, editing and production suites and a radio studio providing an authentic radio newsroom environment.
Enrolment for Curtin Malaysia’s February/March (Semester 1) intake is now open and potential students can enquire about the course at Course details can also be found at

Web Media a new specialisation for students keen to pursue careers in expanding field of web-based media and communications.