Safety First!
Posted date:Thursday, 17 April 2008 – Jabatan Bomba Miri gave a talk on fire safety at Curtin University Sarawak on 15 April 2008. The talk is intended to increase staff knowledge on managing fire safety on campus.
The talk commence with a presentation from Jabatan Bomba Officer, Christian Olas. Tips on techniques of preventing fire and appropriate ways to flee from fire were shared.
Among those who attended the talk are Chief Operating Officer, Alex Chung, Campus Services Chief, Campus Securities as well as other administration staff and students.
According to Alex, “We are concern with the safety of our University community, be it staff or students. The talk is conducted to increase level of awareness on fire safety. Such programme will be conducted from time to time to keep us reminded that safety should always come first in carrying out any activities.”
“I think Curtin is doing the right thing inviting us. It gives a better picture about safety which I think very crucial to a large organisation. We provide safety talk when necessary. Bomba Miri is delighted to support any organisation that needs our assistance,” explains Officer Christian.
Upon completing the presentation, Curtin University and Bomba Department exchanged souvenir as a token of appreciation to both organisations.
Jabatan Bomba proceeds by demonstrating the proper way of fire extinguishing. Staffs are also given the chance to try a first hand on how to put off fire the proper way. “I never knew how to use a fire distinguisher. I’ve always thought that lady is not capable of doing what I assumed a “man’s job”. Bomba has done an effective exposure and I actually tried something I never thought I would,” says junior marketing officer, Felecia Ngalih.
Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak Campus places high emphasis on risk management. The university develops an operational risk management plan that aims to manage business risk, at the same time comply with regulatory bodies.

Bomba- Olas conducting fire safety presentation

Christian Olas exchanges souvenir with Alex Chung.