UITM Sarawak, Kampus Kota Samarahan visit Curtin Sarawak Library
Posted date:Saturday 9 August 2008 –
43 students accompanied by two lecturers from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Sarawak, Kampus Kota Samarahan came to visit Curtin Sarawak Library. The students are from Diploma of Information Studies. The visit was to fulfill requirements in their studies’ IT in Information Agencies. Miss Zainon, the lecturer mentioned that the objectives of the visit were for the students to gain exposure on how to manage a library collection and IT usage in the library.
The activities arranged during the visit involved presentation about CSM Library and its three sections: Lending and Enquiry Services, Reference Services and Technical Services; the library collections; The Library management system; online resources; and services provided for CSM staff and students. After the presentation, the students were divided into groups for a tour of The Library to showcase the activities at the Circulation and Information counters, facilities, computers, reading and study areas; hands-on training on library website and online resources; and Q & A session.
The students were very impressed with the services and facilities provided at CSM for its users. The visit was very useful and they are now able to understand the different types of libraries that exist.
Further details on Curtin Sarawak’s Library services is available at : http://library.curtin.edu.my/ or email to Chief Librarian, levas.mejus@curtin.edu.my or Librarian, christina.d@curtin.edu.my

Group photo with the UiTM students.